Sunday, September 2, 2007

For beauty’s sake

The candle wax dripped silently, to its stoned state;
The drink wasted, stayed untouched in its old crate;
The stars scattered, as pearls from a broken necklace
Shone on the blood stained corridors, revealing every trace;
Of where lay the murdered hunchback, still hunched in his death;
It hinted that the oozing red was what he smelled in his last breath.


On a castle, atop a crooked hill,
When it was dark, and weather chill;
With demented bats serenading us with a topsy-turvy tune;
Where the food was sumptuous, and no one to prune;
We sat waiting for the hunched butler to leave us be,
So, we could start that which we whispered as our “Loving spree”।

Wolfs howled from the surrounding forest den;
Owls hooted the ominous sighs of the dreary glen;
But, in our lofty abode, oblivious of these obvious omen;
We made passionate love, amidst the billows of white linen;
Pressed against each others bosom, we heard a thud and a faint bleat;
And we felt each others fear, as concertedly our hearts skipped beat.


Memory, stay with me! What was it that happened next?
Did I leave you? I think I did, but, under what pretext?
I remember the wooden stairs, and a dusty handle of a creaking door,
I remember a soft breath, and then a shooting pain with a vision gore;
Blood, dazzlingly red, gushed out of my knife-corked wound;
As I crashed in that infinitesimal moment of death, I awoke and was doomed।

There I lay in pain as I realized I had a hump on me;
I found my sneering butler and you, my love, in a negligee;
It was neither you, nor me; I am my own servant, but only in a dream;
It was you, my love, who plunged that knife, I know from your eyes’ gleam;
Oh! Grant me the honour of truth as the hour ends, for pity’s sake do your duty!
Why did you kill me? - And she answered truthfully, “I did it for the sake of Beauty.”


Anonymous said...

Why this poem is excellent:

(a) The content -- the idea.

(b) The novel structure. All five stanzas are right trapezoidal.

(c) Imagery.

(d) The subtle humour.

So Ganguly regains his place in the side and makes the most of it.

Anonymous said...

thanks Mr. N.

"The novel structure. All five stanzas are right trapezoidal."

hehe...point noted...

Mahitha Payardha said...

Wonderful work ! :) very classy

unni krishnan said...

Thank you.